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SPIRIT 105.3
What's New:
Interested in Supporting SPIRIT 105.3? Give Today.Vegan No Bake Blueberry Oat BarsFive Ways to Assess Tech HealthNew Year, New Friend! | Take the Plunge! | Luke 5:17-26, Proverbs 18:24God Is With Us | 28 Days of Hope: Day 21Peter's BHAG! | Take the Plunge! | Matthew 14:13-33Gratitude Brings Contentment | 28 Days of Hope: Day 20Prayer Brings Peace | 28 Days of Hope: Day 19

SPIRIT Secret Sound

Congratulations to Pam from Port Orchard on Winning $2,625 in the SPIRIT 105.3 Secret Sound. Listen to the winning call!

We’ll pick up our next game beginning Friday, January 10th, when the piggy bank resets to $1,050, with an additional $500 to pay it forward!!

 Guess the correct sound and WIN!
Tune in at 8:30, 12:30 & 3:30

When you hear the cue to call,
dial 206-333-1053.

What is the SPIRIT™ Secret Sound?

Each day the sound doesn’t get guessed, Elite Roofing drops more money into the piggy bank! As always, you can call in to guess at 8:30am, 12:30pm, and 3:30pm daily.

Share this with your friends and family and play along!

Remember, every guess that is made will be posted here on our website so you can review it at any time to stay up to date.

Special thanks to:

Elite Roofing

What is the “Pay It Forward” Edition?

It still works the same, but since you’ve told us that you want to help your friends and neighbors recover, the folks at Elite Roofing are not only filling the piggy bank up with more money each weekday, but when you win, they’re also going to give you $500 to give to the person or charity of your choice — someone else in your life that you’d like to bless. Who in your life would you like to help out with an extra $500 right now?


Contest Line:

Join the Secret Sound Text Club to find out about Bonus rounds and more chances to win.

To join, text SOUND to 89419.

Recent Guesses
  • Shoes in a dryer
  • Sewing machine
  • Food processor
  • Shuffling cards
  • Busy signal
  • Typing on a computer
  • Seahawks drum line
  • Stepping on an aluminum can
  • Stapler
  • Closing Tupperware
  • Going down wooden steps
  • Closing car door
  • Closing fridge door
  • Nail gun
  • Extension ladder
  • Typewriter
  • Opening a paper bag
  • Boxes falling over
  • Cutting an apple