(Seattle, WA) SPIRIT 105.3 and Olympus Spa are shining the “SPIRIT Spotlight” on Justine.
After breast cancer had affected her mom, aunt, and cousin, Justine found out that she too tested positive for the breast cancer gene. When she received the results, Justine decided to have a preventative double mastectomy in her early thirties. She knew that if her mother had this opportunity back when she was diagnosed, she would have taken it and still been alive today. This gave Justine the peace to go through with the procedure.
Justine is passionate about raising money and awareness towards breast cancer research. She has worked with Innovator’s Network to raise over 1.2 million for research at the Hutch. Even before having her procedure, Justine’s friends threw her a party and raised money to donate over $7,000 for cancer research. Justine has taken her family’s struggle with breast cancer and used it for good, encouraging others to come alongside her and fight for a cure.
Special thanks to Olympus Spa for helping us shine a spotlight on worthy women in our life who go above & beyond every day.
SPIRIT 105.3’s “SPIRIT Spotlight” campaign is a program that recognizes women in our lives who go above and beyond every day. To nominate a deserving individual, visit https://www.spirit1053.com/spirit-spotlight/.
KCMS SPIRIT 105.3 of Seattle, regarded as a leader in Contemporary Christian Music, is owned and operated by CRISTA Media. CRISTA Media also owns and operates KCIS 630 in Seattle, KWPZ PRAISE 106.5 in Bellingham, and KFMK SPIRIT 105.9 in Austin. CRISTA Media is a member of the CRISTA family of ministries.
For more information, please contact Madeline Knies
at 206.289.7974 or e-mail madeline@spirit1053.com