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New Life Church | Everett, Highland Drive, Everett, WA, USA
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WAMU Theater, Occidental Avenue South, Seattle, WA, USA


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SPIRIT 105.32 hours ago
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Psalm 86:3 - Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I am calling on you constantly . . #verse #dailyverse #hope #bibleverse #bible #biblequotes
SPIRIT 105.3Mar 15, 2025
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Do you serve up pie for Pi day?! What is it?!
SPIRIT 105.3Mar 13, 2025
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Deuteronomy 8:3b - ...People do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. . . #verse #dailyverse #hope #bibleverse #bible #biblequotes
Prayer changes everything
Please tell us how to pray for you and the SPIRIT 105.3 prayer community will lift you up in prayer.
SPIRIT 105.3Mar 16, 2025
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We Are Salt And Light To Our World (Read Matthew 5:13-16) Reflection on the passage In this week's section from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus uses two metaphors to teach about being a witness to the world through the way that we stand out. "You are the salt of the earth" (5:13), Jesus says to His disciples. Salt preserves and brings out flavor and this is what we do as His people. As preservatives we fight against decay and corruption by living with integrity and holiness in the way of Jesus. At the same time as flavor-enhancers, we are the opposite of religious kill-joys. We may bring unwanted challenge as we live in ways counter to some of the ways of the world, but we are life-giving people to be around, full of the love and joy in the Spirit. We help bring out good flavors in others. Even as Jesus proclaims our identity as the "salt of the earth," He knows our weakness and what can dilute our saltiness: "But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot" (5:13). Losing our saltiness, or our distinctiveness as Christians, can happen when we compromise our holiness by going along with sinful behaviors around us, when we become complacent or "lukewarm" in our faith (Rev 3:16), or when we allow cultural values, ideologies, or desire for political power to drive us, rather centering our lives in Christ. "You are the light of the world" (5:14) is Jesus' second metaphor for His disciples. He beautifully extends the metaphor with the idea of a town on a hill, visible with its bright architecture during the day and lamps at night, like the new Jerusalem with nations streaming to it (Isaiah 2:2-5). As in the children's song "This Little Light of Mine," we as the Church are to shine with goodness rather than hide from the world (5:15), and not for our glory, but to the glory of God (5:16). We are called to be truth-bearing witnesses to a dark and hurting world, as well as people who love the lost. But we can only be salt and light through Christ. In fact, Jesus calls himself the "Light of the World" (John 8:12). Our light shines only as we allow Him to shine in us. This happens as we spend time with Him in prayer, Scripture, worship, Communion, Christian fellowship, and loving service to others. May we today abide in Christ so that we can bring His flavor and light wherever we go and with whomever we meet. Focus verse for prayerful reflection: "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)." (Ephesians 5:8-9) Spend a few minutes in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any areas of darkness or any light-blockers in your life. Ask Jesus to help you open these up to Him so you can be freed to shine more brightly. Grace & peace, Jill Young | CRISTA Chaplain
SPIRIT 105.3Mar 15, 2025
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Matthew 6:21 - Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. . . #verse #dailyverse #hope #bibleverse #bible #biblequotes
SPIRIT 105.3Mar 13, 2025
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All things are possible with God!
SPIRIT 105.3Mar 12, 2025
For households with student athletes, Spring also means that we are about to be slammed with a new sports schedule on top of everything else - and that can be quite an undertaking! Having healthy, satisfying meals on board will certainly help as we ease into a new season. One of the most important staples on a menu that supports your growing athlete, is beef. That makes these Mediterranean Beef and Veggie Wraps one of the best options from Beef. It's What's for Dinner in Washington State.

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