The concept of joy isn’t a difficult one to understand. I think sometimes though we equate joy with happiness. I am here to tell you that you can be filled with joy and not be happy.
2021 has been interesting in my life. A few unexpected changes came about that weren’t on the “I wish this would happen this year” list. I found myself wanting to stay angry and frustrated and God wouldn’t let me. That sounds weird, I know, but every time I tried to cling on to the anger, it felt like he dumped a big bucket of joy on me and it welled up inside me. It was the strangest feeling. I was still frustrated at my circumstance. I still wished it would change. I was just filled with joy in the midst of it.
This 3rd week of advent is all about this joy. This unexplained, amazing joy that can only come from Jesus. I often think about Paul. In the book of Acts we learn of his ministry. He was imprisoned. It says in Acts 16:25-30 “ 25 Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. 26 Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! 27 The jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open. He assumed the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword to kill himself. 28 But Paul shouted to him, “Stop! Don’t kill yourself! We are all here!” 29 The jailer called for lights and ran to the dungeon and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 Then he brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
I’m assuming Paul wasn’t super thrilled over the concept of being in prison. And yet, they were praying and singing hymns to God. Really? What? Here is the part that really strikes me “the other prisoners were listening.” There is always someone watching.
Christmas is a time like no other. Jesus is coming. It’s an incredible gift. I’m reminded today that Jesus is here regardless of our situation. No matter the circumstances we encounter, no one can take away the gift of Jesus. In John 16:22 it says “So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.”
This Christmas lean in to the joy. Remember that circumstance doesn’t define it. God does.