28 Days of Hope – Day 7
The hope of God has an eternal perspective. Heaven is our home and that is where our ultimate citizenship belongs. We are not of this world. We are just passing through as our bodies are temporary, and this earth will eventually burn with fire. Do not be discouraged, because Jesus is making all things new. The Bible tells us about a new heaven and earth and new resurrected bodies God will give us. There will be no more death, sickness, immorality, shame, strife, temptation or mourning. The devil is a defeated foe. We will finally see God face to face. The story could not end any better. The best is yet to come. The story is not over with our final breath or funeral ceremony. We will enter into God’s presence and the fullness of His hope. We can risk now because we will rest then. Worship and choosing hope are our response to the greatness of God.
Hope has a destination. Do not be consumed with the immediate and lose sight of the big picture. Do not tackle the short-term without seeing the long-term. Don’t stare at your problems for too long because they will grow in your mind and heart. Lift your eyes to the hills because your help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth. Hope teaches you to keep your eyes on Jesus, not on the waves. These are light and momentary troubles compared to the eternal glory God has for us. Even our bodies decline with age, but God renews us inwardly day after day. We are fragile and have weaknesses, but God’s power is evident, and we go from strength to strength until we appear before Him. We worship God with awe and reverence.
“Jesus wept” (John 11:35) is the shortest verse in the Bible and it reminds us that He understands and enters into our pain. At the same funeral, He also boldly declared that He is the resurrection and the life. He raised Lazarus from the dead and promises whoever believes in Him will have life after death with God in paradise. Every knee will bow on earth and under the earth at the name of Jesus. Mary was weeping until the resurrected Lord called her by name. Paul was killing Christians until the resurrected Lord humbled him. The disciples were discouraged until the resurrected Lord appeared to more than 500 of them. The thief on the cross was headed to hell until Jesus saved him on the cross and invited him into paradise. It may feel like Friday, but Sunday is coming. The resurrection is not just for one day of the year. It is our daily hope and changes our destiny for eternity.
Hope Point: We have a full-time ministry and an eternal destiny.
Hope Story: The thief on the cross in Luke 23:32-43
- How do you describe the truth of God’s infinite hope?
- How do you treat your work or career as if it is your full-time ministry? Give some examples.
- Do you consider your social life as part of your ministry outreach? If so, share what you are actively doing now.
- Based on your life experiences, talents, and relationships, what is your unique ministry opportunity that God has created for you?
Gracious God, there are no limits to what You can do. Your kingdom is unstoppable. Your glory and goodness are unrivaled. You are worthy of my praise and devotion. Jesus, You are the source of my peace and hope. I gratefully pray in Your name Lord, amen.
28 Days of Hope is a journey together, as we rediscover and recommit to God’s indestructible hope in transformative ways. As you begin this journey, you’ll experience a sense of excitement about what God is going to do.
If you have a desire to grow in your faith, strengthen your relationships, gain wisdom, cultivate new habits, experience more peace, and live daily with purpose and passion, then you are in the right place. Just Choose Hope