Guest: Pastor Jesse from Grace Community Church in Auburn and host of the brand-new Bonfire podcast on Purposely.
Erica and Pastor Jesse discuss their memories of the 9/11 attacks and the heroes who gave their lives that day. They reflect on the bravery of Todd Beamer who famously said “Let’s roll,” before attempting to regain control of Flight 93. Pastor Jesse shares his personal connection to the tragedy, having lost a college teammate in the attacks. Faith in times of tragedy is vital, and God can bring good out of terrible situations. That faith can inspire courage and selflessness.
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On the morning of 9/11, I was in my living room watching the Today Show or Good Morning America, something like that, and I remember thinking, how can I be seeing this? This has got to be a clip from a movie. And then I immediately called my dad at work. He worked for years in New York City. Thank God on this day he was in North Carolina. And I said, dad, something’s going on at the World Trade Center. It’s terrible. And I watched as Tower One fell on the TV and I told my dad, he said, “No, it can’t be.” But it was a nightmare and we all lived through it together. I remember all I wanted to do was be with family on that day. It’s been 22 years, and I think we all remember exactly how we felt and what was going on on September 11th, 2001. And I believe it’s good and right to remember. To remember that there were heroes who gave their lives on this very solemn day in our country’s history. Pastor Jesse from Grace Community Church is with us as he is each week on Spirit 1053. As we sit down and take what’s happening in the world and in our hearts and filter it all through what we believe. Pastor Jesse, thanks for remembering with us today.
Pastor Jesse:
That’s right, Erica. It’s a significant day for our nation and to remember what happened. What comes to my mind as you share that, that they truly are heroes and sometimes heroes lay down their lives. And when we think of the Bible, John 3:16,
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, whoever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.
And that’s the gospel. Jesus Christ died for sins. He has risen. Everyone can have a relationship with Jesus. That’s the most popular verse in the Bible. But then sometimes people forget 1 John 3:16. And with that verse it says,
This is how we know what love is. Jesus Christ laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
And so the example from September 11th continues to inspire us and challenge us. It’s so easy in our culture to think it’s all about me. How do I feel good right now? And instead, when you think about Jesus, it’s a paradigm shift. Who can I lay down my life for today? Who can I serve today? And those are the real heroes. It’s the unselfish people that change the culture, change the nation, and ultimately save lives. And it’s totally appropriate to give honor. Honor is due to those who laid down their lives on that day.
They were so brave. I think every single year of Todd Beamer who said, let’s roll. And he went and he laid down his life on purpose. And I think it is a good day to be solemn and to stop and remember the gift that he gave us that so many of the heroes on that day gave us. And the fact that God was working on that day. He wasn’t absent. Right, pastor Jesse?
Pastor Jesse:
That’s right. And that day is close to my heart. I played soccer at Dartmouth College and one of the people on the team, his name was Dom, and he died September 11th. And I just think of his life. We’ve dedicated our locker room to him, and to continue that legacy and how he lived. But where is God in those tragedies? There’s some mystery because sometimes God causes, sometimes God allows, and other times God’s completely against something, like Cain kills Abel, God’s against that., but he’s still in those different situations. What we know is that he’s faithful. He’s with us. He’s good. He can bring good things out of terrible situations. He helps us in the trauma. He cares. And so, we can lean into our faith during those times. And you mentioned Todd Beamer and someone who loved Jesus. I was reading through that whole transcript, and I encourage anyone, take five minutes, slow down and read through that because he on the line prayed the Lord’s prayer. He loves Jesus. Then he reads in quotes, Psalm 23, so he is abiding on the word of God. And then I will fear no evil for thou art with me. I mean, he really knew God was with him on that plane. And he said, God, help me. Jesus, help me. And then are you guys ready? Let’s roll. So faith looks courageous, and in those moments, God is with us even to redeem. And I think Dom lost his life, but how many people were saved through the heroic act of Todd and others on that plane?
Absolutely. And when we see heroes like Todd in action, it gives me hope, Pastor Jesse, that if I’m ever faced with something like that, that God will be with me too. That he is going to show up.
Pastor Jesse:
That’s right. Jesus doesn’t shrink back. He doesn’t get passive. He doesn’t just look for the comfortable zone and retreat on an island somewhere. He stands in love, stands in truth. And in those moments, we can also have confidence in God. When we see evil in the world, the one who’s in us is greater than the one who’s in the world. So God doesn’t give us the spirit of timidity, but power and love, and we need people to step up. It could be loving your neighbor and bringing a meal. It could also be speaking up and sharing your faith with people, or telling your story. And there are so many ways to make a difference. But God has called us to rise up at this time, and September 11th is one of those days that we remember we go deep. We rely on God, and we pray for our nation to return to God. If you look at the nation of Israel, look at how many times they’re in battles and they need to return to the Lord, cry out to the Lord, ask for God’s protection. And we are not immune from attacks, and we need God’s help today. So, may it stir us to pray, invite people to church and then share our testimony. Share the good news about Jesus. Share the hope that is beyond death, but the eternal life in Jesus Christ, that relationship right there.
Amen. Pastor Jesse from Grace Community Church in Auburn, and host of the brand new on-fire Bonfire podcast On Purposely. Thank you so much for hanging out with us, as always.
Pastor Jesse:
I appreciate you, Erica.