Annalise Hannan came into the world… LOVED. She was born with a severe genetic disorder and a family who absolutely cherishes and cheers for her. Annalise, as you can see, is very precious and special. Her eyes reflect all the love her mommy and daddy and siblings… and yes, her nurses (some even on their days off) lavish upon her. She can’t cry or cough or swallow, but she somehow knows she is surrounded by love, especially the tender loving care of her Heavenly Father. I want to invite you to brew a cup of coffee and meet my faithful friend Adam Hannan, otherwise known as Baby Annalise’s Dad and Christina’s Husband. Together this dear couple and their six children, (one in Heaven) are showing me what it’s like to hold the Lord’s hand THROUGH the hardest valleys of life. The Good Shepherd is close to Annalise and her family… and close to you and me too. Listen to remember you are “braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think,” as Winnie the Pooh says. 🙂
You are Loved, Erica
Catch hope & encouragement with Erica on weekday mornings from 5:00 AM – 10:00 AM, and Sundays from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.