“For the first time in my entire life, I heard the words, GOD LOVES YOU.” ~Jim Wahlberg, when he was a janitor in prison chapel
You probably know his brothers… Mark, the actor, and Donnie, the rapper from New Kids on the Block. Well, I invite you to spend a few minutes getting to know Jim Wahlberg! You will never forget his astonishing life story, chronicled in the new book, “The Big Hustle.” Join Jim and I for a conversation about how God met him in prison and keeps on meeting him. Oh… and you won’t believe the person who came to Massachusetts State Prison and attended a chapel service where he served as a janitor. One of the most remarkable women who ever lived changed his life with just a few powerful words! Listen today and remember… God’s love never fails.
You are REALLY Loved, Erica
Catch hope & encouragement from Erica weekday afternoons from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM, and Sundays from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.