In the 6am hour we will be covering Service Workers in our prayers.
Father, we begin by acknowledging you as greater than any challenge or obstacle we may face. We thank you for your power, your faithfulness, for being our rock and that we can come to you with our requests. We pray for those who are working right now in grocery stores, delivery services, where their work goes on to serving society in important ways. God, we pray you will sustain them. Give them energy. Meet their needs. For those whose hours or income levels have changed, provide for them, Lord. We pray you will protect them. While others at home, their work demands that they are out. So please Lord keep them safe. Keep those they love strong and healthy as they do the important work to serve us. We pray for those they will encounter. That you will give grace and that you will empower people to show grace for one another at this uncertain time. Thank you for them Lord. You know their names Lord; you know their needs. We pray you will be near them. Through this you will do what only you can. You will turn what is meant for evil and use it for good. We love you and we thank you for loving us. We pray this in the name in the greatest servant of all, Jesus Christ. Amen.
– Jonathan Wolfgang of Northshore Community Church