It’s hard to believe that the start to the school year is already here. How do you prepare your students for the start of the school year? It’s always important to start anything new with prayer, at the start to the school year should be no different. Here are 30 prayers to start your new school year on the right foot.
This Post is sponsored by Seattle Christian School
September 1st – Friends
Let’s pray specifically for each child to develop deep, positive friendships. Pray that your child would be a good friend as well to those around them.
September 2nd – Joyful Heart
Pray for the Joy of Christ to bubble over in your child and that they would embrace the new year full of excitement and joy.
September 3rd – Strength
There are so many new things to learn and do, pray for strength as they encounter new obstacles and unknown situations.
September 4th – Purity of Mind
Pray that your child will protect their mind.
September 5th – Protection & Safety
Pray safety and protection of your child. Pray that they would be in a safe environment and that no harm would come to them.
September 6th – Emotions
The start of a new school year can bring many new emotions. Pray that your child would be able to manage emotions and would be open to talk about it and receive guidance and support where needed.
September 7th – Learning
Pray that your child is wide open to the joy of learning. Pray their mind is a sponge ready to take on knowledge in the new school year.
September 8th – Struggles
Pray for any struggle your child may have. Pray very specifically about the struggle and ask God to remove any barriers.
September 9th – Shining a Light
Pray that your child will shine the light of Christ to those around them.
September 10th – A Forgiving Heart
Pray that your child would develop a forgiving heart. If something goes wrong or they are wronged this school year, pray they would be quick to forgive.
September 11th – Teacher / Student Relationships
Pray for each student and teacher relationship. Pray for every person your child encounters throughout the day that they would be able to develop a great relationship.
September 12th – Courage
Pray that your child would have courage to always do what is right, especially when the right thing is the hard thing.
September 13th – Balance & Discipline
Pray that your child develops the right balance in their school year and they develop discipline to learn well. Pray that your child learns to balance extra curricular activities with the school work.
September 14th – Peer Pressure
Pray that your child can withstand peer pressure. Pray that their convictions remain strong.
September 15th – Purpose & Passion
Pray that your child begins to develop their unique purpose and passion. Pray that God reveals their specific mission and goals to them.
September 16th – Empathy
Pray that your child develops empathy for all those around them. Pray they would seek out those struggling and come alongside them in understanding and compassion.
September 17th – Open Relationships
Pray that you keep conversation and communication alive with your child. Pray that your hearts would both be open toward one another and that you would have the kind of relationship that allows your child to talk to you about anything that comes up in the school year.
September 18th – Failures
Pray that your child develops persistence in the face of failure. Pray that they use failures as an opportunity to grow and learn.
September 19th – Self-Esteem
Pray for your child and their self-esteem. Pray they would develop their identity in Christ and not be sucked into keeping up with those around them. Pray they would be strong in who they are.
September 20th – Service
Pray that your child would develop a spirit of service. Pray that they would seek ways to get involved in community and spread kindness.
September 21st – Fear
There may be things that give your child fear or anxiety. Pray it away. Ask God to surround your child with his spirit so that they can overcome those moments of fear.
September 22nd – Words
Words can have a profound effect. Pray over the words that will come out of your child’s mouth. Pray that they are life-giving. Pray that your child is surrounded by others who give them life-giving words as well.
September 23rd – Discouraged
Pray that your child does not get discouraged. Pray that they have stamina and keep trying even when it feels like an uphill battle.
September 24th – Jealousy
Pray that your child does not grow any feelings of jealousy for any reason. Pray that they are surrounded with a profound sense of self-worth and knowing who they are and what they should be doing.
September 25th – Anger
Pray that your child would be slow to anger.
September 26th – Growing in Wisdom
Pray that your child not only grows in academic learning but also grows in spiritual wisdom as well. Pray that they develop a well-rounded education.
September 27th – A Helping Hand
Pray for God to show you the exact best way you can help your child. Ask God to give you empathy and compassion for the stage of life your child is in and help you to come alongside them in the right way.
September 28th – Respect
Pray that your child develops respect for all people, specifically pray for their respect of those in authority, other parents, and their peers.
September 29th – A Light Burden
Pray that your child carries a light burden. Pray that they learn to look to God for guidance, they ask for help when needed and they don’t carry burdens they don’t need to carry. Pray your child learns the value of leaning in and trusting others.
September 30th – The Rest of the Year
Pray for their future, that God uses them in a mighty way and that they walk in step with him all their days.
Seattle Christian School wants to pray alongside you for your student. If you are seeking a Christian education that can give your child the opportunity to discover their gifts, passions and skills while also developing their unique character in Christ, look no further than Seattle Christian School. Find out more and schedule a tour today at