There is a big 911 outage at the moment. Does it have you thinking, “Who do I call during a 911 outage?” If 911 is down, here are the numbers you need to keep handy. Take our PDF printable and print for your home! We want to keep you and your loved ones safe. If you try 911 and get a busy signal, there are backup 10-digit numbers for your area. If you don’t see a number for your area, look up the non emergency line for your local Police department. Take this outage as a reminder to always have these numbers handy so you are always prepared!
Do these four important things as soon as you can today!
- Print this PDF to keep with you at your house and in the glove box of your car!
- Program the appropriate numbers below into your phone and your kids’ phones
- Talk with your kids about what to do if 911 isn’t working and they are in a situation they have to call.
- Follow up with grandparents, aunts, uncles and babysitters to make sure they do the same.
- Chelan County: call RiverCom’s business line at 509-663-9911
- Island County: call 360-679-9567
- King County: please call 206-296-3311
- Bothell: 425-486-1254
- Burien: 206-296-3311
- Eastside: 425-577-5656
- Enumclaw: 360-825-3505
- Issaquah: 425-837-3200
- Redmond: 425-566-2500
- Renton: 425-430-7000 or please call Valley Com’s phone line: 253-852-2121
- Seattle: 206-583-2111, 206-625-5011 or text 911.
- Snoqualmie/North Bend Police: 425-888-3333
- South King County 253-852-2121
- Unincorporated areas 206-296-3311
- University of Washington Police: 206-685-8973
- Woodinville: call 425-577-5656
- Kitsap County: For police, fire, medical for North, Central and South Kitsap call 360-308-5400, text to 911 still works.
- Bainbridge Island: 360-308-5400
- Poulsbo: 360-308-5400
- Kittitas County: call 509-925-8534
- Lewis County: call 360-740-1105
- Pacific County: callers are encouraged to text 911 or call the non-emergency business lines at 360-875-9397 or 360-642-9397
- Pierce County: call 253-798-4722
- Graham: call 253-798-4722 to report an emergency.
- Skagit County: call 360-428-3211
- Snohomish County: 425-407-3999
- Edmonds: 425-407-3999
- Everett: 425-407-3999
- Thurston County: call 360-704-2740
- Whatcom County: call 360-676-6911