Pledge Pink this Fall! Take action, grab a girlfriend and get checked! You might just save a life.
Powered by South West Plumbing
SPIRIT 105.3 is committed to generating Breast Cancer Awareness with the Pledge Pink campaign this Fall. Did you know that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer? We want to help you know the risk factors/cause and also get checked. Mammograms are the most effective tool to detect breast cancer. Make a pledge with us, to schedule your annual mammogram.
Make your pledge at one of our participating Pledge Pink events, or sign the digital pledge below to find out local spots where you can make an appointment to get checked.
When you Pledge Pink at an upcoming SPIRIT 105.3 event receive a free gift from Olympus Spa while supplies last.
You can also make a digital pledge below and receive a full list of locations in the Pacific Northwest where you can schedule your next mammogram. For each pledge, South West Plumbing will partner with SPIRIT 105.3 in donating $5 to the American Cancer Society, up to $500.
Special thanks to our participating sponsors!