We are thankful for the men and women who have sacrificed so much and fought for our freedom. Will you join SPIRIT and recognize some of our local Military Heroes? Today we are recognizing Dennis Tompkins. This is the story that was sent to us from his wife, Jamie.
“My husband, Dennis, is my military hero! He is a member of the US Coast Guard, and has been faithfully serving his country for the past 16 years. He’s currently aboard the USCGC Polar Star, where he serves as the ship’s Lay Leader- preaching the good news every Sunday! His love for God, family and country shines through in everything he does! Dennis has been deployed in Antarctica since December 1st and is expected to return March 25th.”
SPIRIT 105.3 would like to thank GEICO for helping us recognize Military Heroes.
Do you want the chance to share your Military Hero? Click HERE to submit your story today.