Recently, Paul was out sharing the SPIRIT of giving and he approached a family and paid for their gifts. They kept saying to him, ‘We don’t really need you to do this.’ Paul explained that he wanted to bless them anyway. They responded by saying, ‘We will turn around and give the same gift to someone else.’ And, so, the pay-it-forward chain began. Take your blessings, don’t hide them, and don’t be shy about sharing them.
It can be easy to fall into the comparison trap when it comes to giving and receiving. Do you ever find that little voice creeping into your head that says, ‘I’m never chosen.’ or ‘I don’t have enough to give.’ Shut this voice off because it will paralyze you. Here’s the thing, it isn’t just about money. It’s about who we are. It’s about our time, our hearts, our willingness to reach out to people. God will provide. We need to be willing.
It is a new year and with it let’s challenge ourselves to reach out to the people in our lives. What is one simple gesture you can do this week for someone around you?
I’m excited to see how you are encouraged during the SPIRIT of giving. Share your stories with us. Enter the SPIRIT of giving and we’ll help you give and receive $500!