28 Days of Hope – Day 23
Your reliance on God is evident in how you pray. Pride blocks prayer. Reliance rejects the illusion of self-sufficiency. Hannah was childless but cried out to God consistently and persistently year after year. She poured her heart out to the Giver of life. God answered her prayers and provided a son named Samuel whom she dedicated to God. Samuel, like his mother, lived with reliance on God and a strong desire to glorify God in his generation.
If you are going to talk to people about God, first talk to God about people. We see very specific hope-filled prayers in Scripture that are relevant as you bring hope to people. The first prayer is for opportunities and boldness. It takes courage to walk through the door God opens. If the apostle Paul acknowledged how much he needs God’s help in this area of his relationship with God, then we will all feel our inadequacy to accomplish the work merely by our own efforts. I still feel nervous inside, not sure what to say or how the conversation will go and wanting the other person to like me, even though I have been sharing my faith for decades. Those feelings do not go away, but instead of giving up, and being passive, they drive me to reliance and prayer. That has been the main shift for me. If you begin to pray for opportunities and boldness, be ready because God answers that prayer.
The second prayer is for success of the gospel and protection. Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to ask God for these blessings. You cannot save anyone. This is the work of God. When God opens a door, there is often going to be opposition. Read the gospels and the book of Acts and take note of the obstacles Jesus and the early church overcome. They are devoted to prayer. They are intentional with prayer. They are united in prayer. They are fervent and persevere with prayer. When you stop praying, you shrink your potential impact. Our confidence is in God, who will win the spiritual battle and change lives. The Word of God and the gospel are transformative. I write down the names of the people in my life who don’t know Jesus on an index card and keep the list in my Bible. I pray for them every day. They are not in my life by accident. I pray that their hearts would be receptive and would receive the presence, salvation, and hope of God.
The third prayer is to ask the Lord of the harvest to send more workers to the harvest field. We need God, and we need each other. The harvest truly is ready, but the workers are few. Can you imagine a farmer staying inside his house and being on his phone eight hours a day while the fruit, vegetables, and grain are ripe? The disciples told Jesus that we have to wait for the harvest, but Jesus corrected them and said that the timing is now. Jesus brought a sense of urgency as He mobilized His reluctant followers. It is far more about our availability than our ability. There is also more hope when we serve together, so find some friends who will roll up their sleeves with you. Replace excuses with prayers. There is no limit to what God can do. Call on His name and glorify the God of hope with all of your heart and all of your church.
Hope Point: We can experience God’s power through persistent prayer.
Hope Story: Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:1-28
- What are your thoughts about the three specific prayers? Make a list of people who need Jesus and keep it somewhere where you see it daily and are reminded to pray for them.
- How could prayer help you to make a greater impact where you live, work, learn, and play?
- How does prayer make a difference for Jesus and the early church?
- In what ways do you live your life as if all things are possible through God?
Almighty God, without Your presence I shrink back in fear and miss opportunities that You provide. Today, I choose hope and faith as I pray and am ready to do what You want me to do. Your glory is my passion, and I live for You Jesus. In Your matchless name I pray, amen.
28 Days of Hope is a journey together, as we rediscover and recommit to God’s indestructible hope in transformative ways. As you begin this journey, you’ll experience a sense of excitement about what God is going to do.
If you have a desire to grow in your faith, strengthen your relationships, gain wisdom, cultivate new habits, experience more peace, and live daily with purpose and passion, then you are in the right place. Just Choose Hope