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SPIRIT 105.3
What's New:
Interested in Supporting SPIRIT 105.3? Give Today.10 Outdoor Adventures In & Around Cle ElumTo The Mom at the Splash Park: Thank YouOur First Second Chances Recipient: Jenifer!Salt - Salt and Light - Matthew 5, 2 Chronicles 13, 1 Corinthians 8, Colossians 4The Sin FluEphesians - In the Footsteps of PaulA New BoldnessSimplify Your Life with Julia UbbengaPersecuted - The Beatitudes - Matthew 5, Ephesians 6, Luke 17, Hebrews 3Easter Scavenger Hunt Riddles for Older KidsRoofing 101: Five Spring Roof Issues to Look ForPeacemakers - The Beatitudes - Matthew 5, Colossians 1, 2 Corinthians 5, James 2Using Strengths (And Weaknesses) for the Lord
For God so Loved...

For God so loved…YOU.

This Easter, we invite you to reflect, remember, and celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection.

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 

John 3:16

Experience Easter Week

Food/Book Drive

Donate Easter books and/or non-perishable food items to help families in our community. Donations will benefit the Meals in Motion program at Motion Church in Puyallup and the Compassion Center at Alderwood Community Church in Lynnwood.

Texting Journey

to follow along Jesus’ journey in real time leading up to the cross.

(Multiple texts may be sent per day. Text STOP to 89419 if you choose to leave all SPIRIT text clubs. Msg & Data Rates Apply.)

Enter to Win

The Bible says that creation points to the evidence of God. How do you experience Jesus out in nature? Let us know by tuning in mornings starting March 29th for a chance to win coffee on us and be entered for a grand prize drawing of a Discover Pass bundle.

Jesus’ death brought us all life. And because of the resurrection …
because of Easter … hope is here.

Additional Resources

Ask for Prayer

Are you anxious or having a difficult time right now? Don’t hesitate to request prayer from our SPIRIT community – they’d be happy to pray for you.

Who is Jesus?

Wherever you are on the journey to learning more about God, you are welcome here. God has made it clear in the Bible that we can begin a relationship with God right now through Jesus Christ.

Hope Resources

We’ve also put together a list of Hope Resources for you and the people you care about.

Church Directory

Are you looking for a new church to attend in the greater Seattle/Puget Sound area? Find a list in our church directory to find your new church home.