I’ve got a challenge for you! After you’ve read this, crank up the volume on Brandon Lake’s “Praise You Anywhere” and dance. I just did, and wow, do I feel good!
You know why? Because praise opens the doors to God’s presence! And there is joy in His presence. The Bible says, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name.” Psalm 100:4 (NLT)
God is ALWAYS with you and me. When we praise Him, it’s like we’re pulling up the shade or opening the door. Praise moves us! It makes us aware, awake, and alert to Jesus! We suddenly know that He is with us.
Nothing in our circumstances may change when we choose to praise God, but we change, and that makes all the difference. Suddenly, we have the power to handle our life. The love we need for someone who is annoying us. The patience to be present with our children. The perseverance to work hard at our job. The peace that settles our anxious heart.
Your problems may not go away. But when you know God is with you, they become much smaller. Take the magnifying glass off your problem and put it on God today through PRAISE.